Refereed Journals

  1. Halkos G., Tzeremes N. and Kourtzidis S. (2015). Measuring sustainability efficiency using a two-stage DEA approach. Forthcoming in Journal of Industrial Ecology. (SCOPUS, ISI Listed, Impact Factor: 2.713 and 5-year: 3.146).
  2. Tzeremes N. (2015). Efficiency dynamics in Indian banking: A conditional directional distance approach, European Journal of Operational Research, 240(3): 807-818. (SCOPUS, REPEC, ISI Listed, Impact factor: 2.038 and 5-year 2.524).
  3. Halkos G. and Papageorgiou G. (2015). Spatial environmental efficiency indicators in regional waste generation: A nonparametric approach, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management DOI: 10.1080/09640568.2014.983592 (SCOPUS, EconLit, ISI listed. Impact Factor: 1.096 and 5-year 1.439).
  4. Halkos G., Matusek R. and Tzeremes N. (2015). Pre-evaluating technical efficiency gains from possible mergers and acquisitions: Evidence from Japanese regional banks. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting. DOI: 10.1007/s11156-014-0461-5. (SCOPUS, EconLit Listed). 
  5. Halkos G. and Tsilika K. (2015). Programming Identification Criteria in Simultaneous Equation Models. Computational Economics DOI 10.1007/s10614-014-9444-9 (SCOPUS, EconLit, ISI Listed. Impact factor: 0.463 and 5-year:0.505). 
  6. Halkos G. and Tzeremes N. (2015). Measuring seaports’ productivity: A Malmquist productivity index decomposition approach. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 49(2): 355-376 (SCOPUS, EconLit Listed). 
  7. Halkos G., Tzeremes N. and Kourtzidis S. (2015). Weight assurance region in two-stage additive efficiency decomposition DEA model: An application to school data. Journal of the Operational Research Society 66: 696-704. (SCOPUS, ISI Listed Impact factor: 0.989 and 5-year 1.282).
  8. Halkos G. and Tsilika K. (2015). A Dynamic Interface for Trade Pattern Formation in Multi-regional Multi-sectoral Input-output Modeling. Computational Economics DOI - 10.1007/s10614-014-9466-3. (SCOPUS, EconLit, ISI Listed Συντελεστής βαρύτητας: 0.463 και 5-ετίας: 0.505). 
  9. Halkos G., Tzeremes N. and Kourtzidis S. (2015). Regional sustainability efficiency index in Europe: An additive two-stage DEA approach. Operational Research: An International Journal. DOI: 10.1007/s12351-015-0170-4 (SCOPUS, ISI Listed).
  10. Halkos G., Sundström A. and Tzeremes N. (2015). Regional environmental performance and governance quality:  A non-parametric analysis. Environmental Economics and Policy Studies DOI: 10.1007/s10018-015-0106-5 (SCOPUS, EconLit Listed). 
  11. Halkos G. and Tsilika K. (2015). Dynamic input-output models in environmental problems: A computational approach with CAS software, Computational Economics DOI: 10.1007/s10614-015-9497-4 (SCOPUS, EconLit, ISI Listed. Impact Factor: 0.463 and 5-year: 0.505). 
  12. Tzeremes N. (2014). The effect of human capital on countries’ economic efficiency, Economics Letters, 124(1): 127-131.
  13. Halkos G. and Tzeremes N. (2014). Public sector transparency and countries' environmental performance: A nonparametric analysis. Resource and Energy Economics 38: 19-37. (SCOPUS, EconLit, ISI Listed. Impact factor: 1.495 and 5-Year 1.819).
  14. Halkos G. and Tzeremes N. (2014). The effect of electricity consumption from renewable sources on countries' economic growth levels: Evidence from advanced, emerging and developing economies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 39: 166-173. (SCOPUS, ISI Listed. Impact factor: 5.627 and 5-year 6.577).
  15. Halkos G. and Tzeremes N. (2014). Measuring the effect of Kyoto Protocol Agreement on countries' environmental efficiency in CO2 emissions: An application of conditional full frontiers. Journal of Productivity Analysis 41(3): 367-382 (SCOPUS, EconLit, ISI Listed. Impact factor: 1.068 and 5-Year 1.299).
  16. Halkos G. and Tsilika K. (2014). Analyzing and visualizing the synergistic impact mechanisms of climate change related costs.  Applied Mathematics and Computation 246: 586-596 (SCOPUS, ISI listed. Impact Factor: 1.600 and 5-Year: 1.672). 
  17. Halkos G. (2014) Sustainable development in an N-rich/N-poor world, AMBIO 43(7): 891-905.  (SCOPUS, ISI Listed, impact factor: 2.295 and 5-year 3.248). In common with Perrings C., Kinzig A.
  18. Halkos G., Tzeremes N. and Kourtzidis S. (2014). A unified classification of two-stage DEA models. Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science 19: 1–16 (SCOPUS Listed) 
  19. Halkos G. and Kitsou D. (2014) Uncertainty in optimal pollution levels: Modeling the benefit area. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 58(4): 678-700 (JEL, SCOPUS, REPEC, ISI Listed, impact factor: 1.096 and 5-year 1.439) (2014, in common with D. Kitsou) 
  20. Halkos G. and Matsiori S. (2014). Exploring social attitude and willingness to pay for water resources conservation. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (Former Journal of Socio-Economics) 49: 54-62 (JEL, SCOPUS, REPEC, ISI Listed).
  21. Halkos G. and Tzeremes N. (2013). A conditional directional distance function approach for measuring regional environmental efficiency: Evidence from UK regions, European Journal of Operational Research 227: 182-189 (SCOPUS, REPEC, ISI Listed, Impact factor: 2.038 and 5-year 2.524).
  22. Halkos G. and Kevork I. (2013). Evaluating Alternative Frequentist Inferential Approaches for Optimal Order Quantities in the Newsvendor Model under Exponential Demand. International Transactions in Operational Research 20(6): 837-857 (SCOPUS, ISI Listed, Impact factor: 0.588).
  23. Halkos G. and Tzeremes N. (2013). Economic growth and environmental efficiency: Evidence from U.S. regions. Economics Letters 120 (1): 48-52 (JEL, SCOPUS, REPEC, ISI Listed: Impact factor 0.509 and 5-year 0.682)
  24. Halkos G. (2013). Exploring the economy - environment relationship in the case of sulphur emissions. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 56(2): 159-177 (JEL, SCOPUS, REPEC, ISI listed. Impact Factor: 1.096 and 5-year 1.439) (2013)
  25. Halkos G. and Tzeremes N. (2013). Estimating the degree of operating efficiency gains from a potential bank merger and acquisition: A DEA bootstrapped approach. Journal of Banking and Finance 37: 1658-1668 (JEL, SCOPUS, REPEC, ISI Listed, impact factor: 1.287 and 5-year 1.721)  (2013).
  26. Halkos G. and Tzeremes N. (2013). Modelling the effect of national culture on countries’ innovation performance: A conditional full frontier approach. International Review of Applied Economics 27(5):  656-678 (JEL SCOPUS, REPEC Listed).
  27. Halkos G. (2013). Construction of F-gases abatement cost curves. Journal of Applied Economic Science 8(3): 388-396 2013. (SCOPUS, REPEC Listed)
  28. Halkos G. and Galani G. (2013). Economic foundations to assess non-market values in marine and coastal ecosystems’ water quality. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism. VIV(1(7)): 5-20 Summer 2013.
  29. Halkos G. and Paizanos E. (2013). The effect of government expenditure on the environment: An empirical investigation. Ecological Economics 91(C): 48-56 (JEL, SCOPUS, REPEC, ISI Listed, Impact factor: 2,855 and 5-year 3,732).
  30. Halkos G. and Tzeremes N. (2013).National culture and eco-efficiency: An application of conditional partial nonparametric frontiers. Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 15(4): 48-56 (JEL SCOPUS, REPEC Listed).
  31. Halkos G. and Tzeremes N. (2013). Renewable energy consumption and economic efficiency: Evidence from European countries. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 5(4): 041803 1-13 July 2013 (SCOPUS, ISI Listed, Impact factor: 1.514 and 5-year 1.487. American Institute of Physics).
  32. Halkos G. and Tzeremes N. (2013). Carbon dioxide emissions and governance: A nonparametric analysis for the G-20. Energy Economics 40: 110-118 (JEL, SCOPUS, REPEC, ISI Listed, impact factor: 2.538 and 5-year 3.291)
  33. Halkos G. and Tsilika K. (2012) Computational techniques for stability analysis of a class of dynamic economic models. American Journal of Applied Sciences Volume 9, Issue 12, 2012, Pages 1944-1952 (SCOPUS Listed).